Life. A celebration of being alive. It is not just about one's mere existence in the society but about how that existence is defined. It's a ravishing but resilient journey with eternal happiness and sadness, success and failure, love and hatred. It is that journey where we are the steering drivers, along the bumpy roads quite often. Every turn on this journey holds a new opportunity where and when one needs to think differently and react accordingly. This is the most beautiful journey but with hindrances along its way for which one should always be ready. The challenge lies here only in facing these obstacles and curbs with courage.
This is perhaps the greatest gift from the God to all. It is an honor to get to live this beautiful journey. One just needs to find the meaning to life by getting themselves the answers to questions like who am i? What is my purpose of life? What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses? The answers to these questions will add a meaning to one's life which no other person can change. Those who fail to recongnise them,believes life is meaningless. No, it's not! You need to analyse, think, process and find purpose to your existence. A purpose that is unique and makes you and your life different from others. Many lives are already wasted and many have been already lost because of this misperception, "Life is meaningless". No! No! No! No! Life is precious, It's beautiful , it's heavenly. Get yourself a reason to live it. You are the incharge of yours ,sketch it the way you want. Over all of this , don't forget that it will have ups and downs which are all for good and worthy to survive. It is not going to be calm and smooth all the time. It has constant pressures and complexities. It is you who has to get used to the fact of unwanted and rapid crisis that are going to jump in this journey of yours. You need to learn to thrive with situations. The thorns in life have to be accepted just like its beautiful side. Thus , bow to the pressures and confront the difficulties wuth patience , courage and above all, faith! .
Life is just like a game of chess where you always think about your next move but can't always anticipate the move of the opposite player. It is not about losing or winning ,but all about living. So, live it to the fullest and take every chance because in the end we always regret the chances we didn't take.

Good efforts 👌🌸 keep going ❤️
Best keep going ❤
Loved your work di .... good one 👍
Amazing work, keep going!